Blue tone LO

Yay! After I've got my journal printed and adhere to one of my wedding pages. I went searching for photos to scrap and found two that I thought I can do last night. After letting my creative self just flow with the feel of the photos and whatever PP that I have. I managed to finished one LO for my 2nd DS's haven't yet prepared album ('cos I don't have any new album yet, so it will go into one of my big album with every other LO.)

I dig out all my HOTP's (PaperWishes) PP in "Denim" and "Bright Tints Blue Gingham". Ribbons and baby brads in blue also bought from HOTP.

I've used one of the scallop edge paper that I bought from Scrap-n-crop, thought to myself, if I don't use it, I'll never know when to use it and it might just sits in my paper box forever. Just a way to tell myself not to be stingy in using scrapping papers.

So, here, a LO in blue tone with hand journal.

Oh ya.. I've finally came to use the velum quote that I've bought from SoCalScrap. It says: Every good and perfect gift comes from above - John 1:17).

To make the letter E more coordinated with the page, I've used blue gel pen to colour the back of the E and smudge it out. Then secure it with glue and brads saying "It's a boy", plus those mini blue star brads.

To save some PP which probably I can use later for mating, I've actually cut a square hole on those part that is hidden by the scallop paper.

Vertical ribbons are the final touch which is secure using star brads and adhere behind the PP. The top photo is actually not mated on to the dark blue PP. I've actually made a border with the dark blue PP leaving some space to show off the white area.

When I look at these photos, they made me realise just how time flies. He was just a little baby then and now, he is running and trying to talk like an adult. I miss those time when he is still little, when he is just learning to turn, to walk, to talk and so cuddly.


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