
I think I'm getting addicted to the online world of blogging.
Since I've registered with some online pay post thing which gave me opportunity to earn by posting reviews on their products and sites, I've been using the money online also through pay pals. It is pretty simple, with a few clicks and it is totally safe. If I've got enough in my account, then I dont' even need to use my money in the bank. So it is all like online money which I only see the amount online. Haven't even try withdrawal from my credit card and it is already gone.
So surfing online has been a daily thing for me. Sometimes repeatedly clicking the refresh button hoping to get new opportunity.
It has been slow lately, not many post that I can get, sometimes even none. If no opportunity at all, that means no online income, on online income, means I can hardly get any scrapbooking material online without affecting the size of my wallet.
That is a bit worrying to me, since like I've said, I got addicted, both online and scrapbooking.


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