
I've found several photos showing my boys reading. Yup! They loves to read, they love it especially if Mommy is reading to them. They'll request more after one book before bed. They go into a book shop and demanded to buy books, once they were there, they'll drag my hand over to those shelves that displaying their favourite books, in most cases, "Thomas & Friends". So I'm going to do scrapbook pages about this and I wanted to include a pictures of books somewhere in the page. So I snap a few last night then decided to just use one and I had it developed to small size (3.5" x 2.5"). They call it 2up of 3R over here. It turns out very cute indeed.

Let's see how I can do that page tonight. A page about reading and maybe another page about their love for Thomas & Friends.

Oh.. another one is for their love of Donut, especially little Mer.

Yesterday after getting him from babysitter, the first thing he said was:

Mommy.. the rain has stop
Me: Ya...? (suspecting something is in his mind)
Mer: Go to City Mall, buy donut (with a big grin)

Infact it was even raining, just because my reason last time for not going is it was raining. So he does love donut huh!?
So we did stoped by City Mall and he ate two without finishing them la.. he just make sure that he ate all the stuffing of blueberry in the middle.
I started to collect more evidence about donut right after the box is empty. How? By cutting out the label on the box! Yay!


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