Even when..

I must be crazy about scrapbooking, even when I away from home in Hanoi, Vietnam. I am still able to buy something scrapbook related. I've got myself some lace!! Will surely make something out from it. At the mean time, I'm not able to load any photos from this public terminal available through the hotel.


Deana E said…
hahaha..didn't know u r in hanoi..welcomne home..sb sifu
Hannie C said…
I'm not back yet, am still here. Will only be back on Friday.
aiya.. i'm not a sb sifu la..not yet :D
Shyra said…
Hannie, like what i wrote at my blog..."Once a scrapbooker, u'll always be a scrapbooker" hehe! enjoy Hanoi!
Hannie C said…
LOL. at the moment, still agreeing with you, not sure in the future though...

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